Thursday, September 29, 2011

101 Tips for Raising Healthy Kids with Diabetes

101 Tips for Raising Healthy Kids with Diabetes Review

Parents of toddlers and teens with type 1 and 2 diabetes get tips from diabetes educators to help their children eat right and live healthy. Straightforward Q&A format answers questions from nutrition to medication.
  • One of the few up-to-date books of its kind to include health and parenting information on toddlers with diabetes
  • With obesity and diabetes on the rise in children, parents are eager for information that can make raising a child with diabetes easier

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The 2011-2016 World Outlook for Diabetes Monitoring Devices

The 2011-2016 World Outlook for Diabetes Monitoring Devices Review

This econometric study covers the world outlook for diabetes monitoring devices across more than 200 countries. For each year reported, estimates are given for the latent demand, or potential industry earnings (P.I.E.), for the country in question (in millions of U.S. dollars), the percent share the country is of the region and of the globe. These comparative benchmarks allow the reader to quickly gauge a country vis-a-vis others. Using econometric models which project fundamental economic dynamics within each country and across countries, latent demand estimates are created. This report does not discuss the specific players in the market serving the latent demand, nor specific details at the product level. The study also does not consider short-term cyclicalities that might affect realized sales. The study, therefore, is strategic in nature, taking an aggregate and long-run view, irrespective of the players or products involved.

This study does not report actual sales data (which are simply unavailable, in a comparable or consistent manner in virtually all of the 230 countries of the world). This study gives, however, my estimates for the worldwide latent demand, or the P.I.E., for diabetes monitoring devices. It also shows how the P.I.E. is divided across the world's regional and national markets. For each country, I also show my estimates of how the P.I.E. grows over time (positive or negative growth). In order to make these estimates, a multi-stage methodology was employed that is often taught in courses on international strategic planning at graduate schools of business.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Medical Management of Diabetes Mellitus (Inflammatory Disease and Therapy)

Medical Management of Diabetes Mellitus (Inflammatory Disease and Therapy) Review

This book is a how-to manual for practicing physicians and health care providers, nurse educators, nutritionists, and physicians in training in the management of persons with diabetes mellitus. Experts with strong clinical and teaching backgrounds provide up-to-date recom-mendations and rationale of the most effective diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to diabetes mellitus and its multiorgan micro- and macrovascular complications for patients of all ages.
Gives five practical guidelines for nutrition therapy that supplies realistic recommendations!
With contributions from nearly 60 clinicians who reveal a constellation of disorders with different signs, symptoms, clinical characteristics, and therapies, Medical Management of Diabetes Mellitus
  • reviews the autoimmune process and genetics of type 1 and type 2 diabetes
  • offers an overview of the medications that impair glucose metabolism causing hypo- or hyperglycemia
  • covers pathogenesis, clinical presentation, and diagnosis with specialized laboratory tests
  • surveys therapeutic modalities, their mechanisms of action, and rationale for use
  • focuses on outcomes and how they are tracked
  • stresses early detection and therapy of end-organ complications
  • discusses the effect of intensive diabetes management on reducing retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy
  • considers incorporating psychiatric techniques into the treatment of diabetes
  • compares and contrasts diabetes in children, adults, and the elderly
  • and more!
    Containing over 850 references, tables, drawings, and photographs, Medical Management of Diabetes Mellitus is a cross-disciplinary reference perfect for family practice physicians, internists, pediatricians, endocrinologists, pharmacologists, nutritionists, physiologists, dietitians, obesity specialists, psychiatrists, and medical school students in these disciplines.

  • Saturday, September 24, 2011

    Meeting the American Diabetes Association Standards of Care: An Algorithmic Approach to Clinical Care of the Diabetes Patient

    Meeting the American Diabetes Association Standards of Care: An Algorithmic Approach to Clinical Care of the Diabetes Patient Review

    Improving glycemic, lipid, and blood pressure outcomes is the essence of diabetes care. Maintaining consistently positive results is an ongoing challenge for every healthcare professional. After years of clinical practice, Mayer Davidson, MD, has developed a series of algorithmic techniques that can increase positive results. Based on ADA's Standards of Care, this book offers detailed treatment algorithms that have been shown to be clinically effective in improving outcomes in people with diabetes.

    Friday, September 23, 2011

    Diabetes Education Goals

    Diabetes Education Goals Review

    Create a dynamic diabetes curriculum using this newly updated educational roadmap as your framework--and easily bring your programs into accordance with the National Standards for Diabetes Self Management Education.

    • Learn which elements make a successful education program
    • Get instant access to a revised framework highlighting assessment and evaluation
    • Learn more about outcomes measurement and improvements in the quality of life
    • Get a better grasp on revamped learning goals that correspond with the National Standards
    • Updates also include an overview of patient learning theories such as the Empowerment and the
    • Transtheoretical Models.

    Wednesday, September 21, 2011

    Hypoglycemia in Diabetes: Pathophysiology, Prevalence, and Prevention

    Hypoglycemia in Diabetes: Pathophysiology, Prevalence, and Prevention Review

    Iatrogenic hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar caused by medical treatment, is a challenge facing people with diabetes and their health-care providers. Philip E. Cryer, MD, examines this persistent problem from a pathophysiological perspective.

    Tuesday, September 20, 2011

    Flat Belly Diet!: Diabetes

    Flat Belly Diet!: Diabetes Review

    Success on the Flat Belly Diet Diabetes begins with flattening your belly, but it doesn't end there. Real success means healthy blood sugar levels-today, tomorrow, and always. The belly fat accumulating deep in your abdomen is an underlying factor of heart disease, cancer, and-yes-diabetes, but it's not too late to chart a new course to lasting health. You can reverse your insulin resistance and get fitter than ever before with Prevention's Flat Belly Diet! Diabetes. Inside: ?160 satisfying recipes that feature our signature "MUFA at every meal" ?An easy, flexible exercise routine that uses low-impact walking and basic strength training ?Expert advice on managing your blood sugar, including exercise and diet safety tips ?Insights and stories from real men and women who tried the program-and got fabulous results!

    Monday, September 19, 2011

    Controlling Fluctuations of Diabetes Blood Glucose, Healing and Preventing Nerve Damage with Baby's Milk

    Controlling Fluctuations of Diabetes Blood Glucose, Healing and Preventing Nerve Damage with Baby's Milk Review

    This book is based on the author's personal experience with Type II Diabetes and its effects on her body.
    After strictly adhering to the recommended regimen of daily blood draws, medication and extreme dietary adjustments over the course of many years, Leonida Lidman still found herself in great physical and emotional pain.
    It was only with the discovery of baby's milk and the solution to the sudden fluctuations of blood glucose that she was able to regain much of the physical energy she enjoyed before diabetes afflicted and tortured her body.
    Intermingling personal observations of her ailments with medical information copied verbatim from books and leaflets given to her at medical appointments, the author gives a thorough overview of the definitions, side effects and treatment options involved in dealing with diabetes. The author hopes readers will come away with a firm understanding of the disasters that diabetes can wreck on the human body, why these side effects occur, and with solutions to potentially live pain-free lives.

    About the Author:
    Mrs. Leonida Lidman received an M.A. in Education from the University of The Philippines and an M.S. in Human Resources Management from the New School for Social Research, New School University, Fifth Avenue, New York City, in 1987.
    She also graduated in 2009 with an advanced writing course from The Long Ridge Writers' Group School, Long Ridge, West Redding, Connecticut.
    Her work experiences include being a college instructor in the Philippines; Training Supervisor for Comprehensive Community Health Programs at the University of The Philippines, Bay, Los BaƱos, Laguna. She also served as Commissioner of the Newark Senior Citizens Commission and Program Coordinator for the Office on Aging, Newark Housing Authority, in Newark New Jersey from 1987 to 1989. She was a City Council President's awardee for distinguished community service on behalf of the city's elderly. She has also written various articles and is a published author.
    She is also a recipient of U.S. Patent #4,680,179, a fruit-flavored coconut water-based liqueur with no added sugar and no preservatives.
    She has also done volunteer work with the Executive Planning Committee of The United Way, Essex County, New Jersey and coordinated the recruitment of retired senior volunteers (RSVP Program) for the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, Essex County, New Jersey and others.

    Friday, September 16, 2011

    INSULIN PUMP THERAPY IN THE 21ST CENTURY: Strategies for successful use in adults, adolescents, and children with diabetes Effective implementation of ... clinical follow-up. (Postgraduate Medicine)

    INSULIN PUMP THERAPY IN THE 21ST CENTURY: Strategies for successful use in adults, adolescents, and children with diabetes Effective implementation of ... clinical follow-up. (Postgraduate Medicine) Review

    Use of insulin pump therapy in the United States has dramatically increased during the last decade. Pump therapy is now regarded as a safe and viable alternative in adults, adolescents, and children with diabetes. In a series of follow-up studies involving more than 800 patients, Drs Bode, Tamborlane, and Davidson have documented the advantages of pump therapy and the keys to its successful use. Here, they present these and other findings, along with their predictions for the future of pump therapy. Bode BW, Tamborlane WV, Davidson PC. Insulin pump therapy in the 21st century: strategies for successful use in adults, adolescents, and children with diabetes.

    Original Publication Date: May 2002

    Thursday, September 15, 2011

    Delicious Ways to Control Diabetes Cookbook

    Delicious Ways to Control Diabetes Cookbook Review

    Food, like love, should always be a joyful experience. For far too many people with diabetes, food is a source of stress instead of a source of joy. There's no boubt that keeping blood glucose in the normal range will prevent complications. And food does play a big part in glucose control. We Want To Show You How Good That Food Can Be!

    Rediscover the joy of good food with the "Delicious Ways to Control Diabetes Cookbook". You will see that you can eat tasty food and keep your blood glucose in control. You'll get:

    Over 100 tried-and-true recipes
    Nutrient information and exchanges for every recipe
    A one-week menu plan
    30-minute (and less) recipes
    Make-ahead recipes
    Color photographs
    "How-to" techniques
    Sugar Substitute Guide
    Plus, 1999 DIABETES UPDATES: a review of the year's best news for people with diabetes

    Tuesday, September 13, 2011

    15-Minute Diabetic Meals

    15-Minute Diabetic Meals Review

    What can you cook in 15 minutes? More than you ever imagined! 15-Minute Diabetic Meals is packed with over 200 recipes that you can make in 15 minutes or less. By using convenience items - pre-cooked meats, poultry, and pre-cut produce - and taking advantage of the freezer section of the grocery store, you can make healthy meals in a snap!

    Sunday, September 11, 2011

    American Dietetic Assocation Guide to Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

    American Dietetic Assocation Guide to Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Review

    While gestational diabetes is one of pregnancy's most common complications, the associated risks for mothers with GDM and their children are startling. This new, comprehensive guide is a critical resource for health-care professionals, covering classifications, screening and diagnosis, MNT, medications and postpartum considerations, in addition to cultural competency that GDM treatment requires.

    Saturday, September 10, 2011

    The 2011 Report on Diabetes Monitoring Devices: World Market Segmentation by City

    The 2011 Report on Diabetes Monitoring Devices: World Market Segmentation by City Review

    This report was created for global strategic planners who cannot be content with traditional methods of segmenting world markets. With the advent of a "borderless world", cities become a more important criteria in prioritizing markets, as opposed to regions, continents, or countries. This report covers the top 2000 cities in over 200 countries. It does so by reporting the estimated market size (in terms of latent demand) for each major city of the world. It then ranks these cities and reports them in terms of their size as a percent of the country where they are located, their geographic region (e.g. Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, North America, Latin America), and the total world market.

    In performing various economic analyses for its clients, I have been occasionally asked to investigate the market potential for various products and services across cities. The purpose of the studies is to understand the density of demand within a country and the extent to which a city might be used as a point of distribution within its region. From an economic perspective, however, a city does not represent a population within rigid geographical boundaries. To an economist or strategic planner, a city represents an area of dominant influence over markets in adjacent areas. This influence varies from one industry to another, but also from one period of time to another.

    In what follows, I summarize the economic potential for the world's major cities for "diabetes monitoring devices" for the year 2011. The goal of this report is to report my findings on the real economic potential, or what an economist calls the latent demand, represented by a city when defined as an area of dominant influence. The reader needs to realize that latent demand may or may not represent real sales.

    Friday, September 9, 2011

    Essential Endocrinology and Diabetes (Essentials)

    Essential Endocrinology and Diabetes (Essentials) Review

    This new edition of Essential Endocrinology and Diabetes has been rewritten and revised by a new author team. Easy-to-use and comprehensively treating all areas of endocrinology and diabetes, it is the perfect core text for medical students, biomedical science students, and junior doctors, and a useful tool for clinicians wishing to reacquaint themselves with some of the basic science behind their day-to-day clinical practice.
    • Includes new chapters on endocrine neoplasia, diabetes (type 1, type 2, complications) and obesity
    • New features include learning objectives, key points boxes and case histories
    • Content now reorganized into 3 parts: principles of endocrinology; clinical endocrinology; and clinical diabetes and obesity

    Wednesday, September 7, 2011

    Diabetes Mellitus: Pathophysiology, Etiologies, Complications, Management, and Laboratory Evaluation : Special Topics in Diagnostic Testing

    Diabetes Mellitus: Pathophysiology, Etiologies, Complications, Management, and Laboratory Evaluation : Special Topics in Diagnostic Testing Review

    Diabetes mellitus is an ancient disease that continues to plague modern man. Although the frequency of many serious disorders, such as coronary heart disease, has declined since the 1960's, diabetes rates are approaching epidemic proportions in Westernized countries. Although representing only 10% of cases of diabetes, type 1 diabetes is also rising in frequency. The economic cost of diabetes is staggering, costing the United States more than 0 billion annually. Appropriate management of diabetes requires the efforts of clinicians, laboratorians, and pharmacologists. The goal of this book is to acquaint the laboratorian with the pathophysiology, the diverse etiologies, the complications, the clinical management, and, finally, the diagnostic and routine laboratory evaluation of diabetes.

    Monday, September 5, 2011

    My Life with Diabetes (Jan de Vries Healthcare)

    My Life with Diabetes (Jan de Vries Healthcare) Review

    The ever-growing problems of diabetes and hypoglycaemia are addressed clearly in this book by Jan de Vries, who is himself a diabetic. The renowned healer pinpoints the possible causes and misunderstandings of the condition and advises on its management. My Life with Diabetes discusses dietary management and the natural ways to approach diabetes. As the responsibility for the condition ultimately lies with the patient, this book should be of use to those who are directly affected, as well as to the friends and families of diabetics, in helping them fully understand the facts relating to diabetes.

    Sunday, September 4, 2011

    Blood Sugar 101: What They Don't Tell You About Diabetes

    Blood Sugar 101: What They Don't Tell You About Diabetes Review

    Based on the award winning web site, this book explains what peer-reviewed research published in top medical journals has to say about:

    + What is a normal blood sugar?  
    + How does diabetes develop?
    + What really causes diabetes?
    + What blood sugar levels cause complications?
    + Must you deteriorate?
    + What diet is right for you?
    + How can you make that diet work?
    + What medications are safe?
    + What supplements lower blood sugar?

    Written in clear and understandable language, this book provides all the tools needed to understand how blood sugar works and achieve blood sugar health.

    "...this book should be read by all diabetics because of the valuable material that cannot be found elsewhere." --Dr. Richard K. Bernstein